The M Word: How to thrive in menopause

The M Word is all about you and your choices. Are you being offered the best solutions for your menopause issues? Because there are great solutions to help you thrive in this new stage of life.

Night sweats, hot flushes, anxiety, insomnia, exhaustion, itchy skin, low libido, painful sex ... Any of these sound familiar? Ninety per cent of women experience these symptoms some time between the ages of 40 and 60, but shhhhhhh ... just suck it up, princess. And nobody mention the M word.

World-renowned author and GP, Dr Ginni Mansberg, offers an informed, medical perspective on the facts of menopause in The M Word, uncovering the truth behind Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and ultimately giving you agency over your menopause journey.

The M Word is all about you and your choices. Are you being offered the best solutions for your menopause issues? Because there aregreatsolutions to help you thrive in this new stage of life.

Dr Ginni Mansberg outlines the medical science behind the menopause, explaining what happens at a cellular level in the body once key hormones begin to diminish; details the symptoms and experiences; then explores the pros and cons of various treatment options. All this is delivered with her customary good humour, sharing personal anecdotes along with evidence-based facts that will help women make informed choices about their health and well-being.

The M Word offers sound advice for women going through the menopause and presents them with a choice: what is the best solution for you? And how can The M Word help you thrive in this new stage of life?

The M Word Book is sold at The Bubble for $32.99 each.

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