Julie Ostberg was born in Launceston . She studied medicine at the University of Tasmania and graduated in 1976. She did her intern year at the Royal Hobart Hospital followed by 2 years at the Launceston General Hospital where she gained a Diploma of Obstetrics and Gyneacology and Family Planning Certificate.
Julie then went to Far North Queensland and worked on Thursday Island and Bamaga for a year. She returned to Victoria and worked in the country town of Heyfield. By this stage she had a young son and decided to return to Tasmania to be with her supportive family.
Her first GP placement was in George Town and after 2 years, moved to Launceston where she worked as a GP for 38 years.
She has had an interest in all aspects of women's health since the beginning of her medical career and delivered babies in a GP role for a number of years. Julie has a special interest in supporting women through the peri menopause and menopause.
Julie also has an interest in aesthetic medicine and has practiced at Victoria's Cosmetic Medical Clinic since its inception in 2002 and at Aquarius Roman Baths prior to this.
Julie has 4 children and 9 grandchildren. She enjoys spending time with her growing family, being outdoors, camping, swimming, gardening and walking the white beaches at her shack in the north east.
The average age of menopause in Australia is 52. Perimenopause is that time leading into menopause and we refer to the time after menopause as post menopause.
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